Wednesday, October 7, 2009

That wasn't fun :(

***gross alert! Don't read if you're easily grossed out***

I just experienced my 1st post-op puke. I think I ate lunch too fast. Still trying to get into the slow eating routine. I started to not feel well so I lay down. My chest was tight, almost like a weird kind of heart burn. Then my mouth was just filling with saliva. Before I knew it I was throwing up. I swear my kids threw up more at a time when they were infants and had GERD! It was such a tiny amount. At the end there was a litte blood. So I called the dr office just to see what they said. I talked to a nurse and she said not to worry about it unless it happens again. I thought that would be the case but wanted to make sure. I'm going to rest now, gnight!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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