Thursday, April 22, 2010

Non-scale victories

We live in military housing and had a few issues. When one toilet would flush it would suck everything out from the other one. Both bathroom sinks were backed up. Over the weekend ours had standing water in it, so the hubs broke out the plunger to use on it. Next thing I knew I was hearing sloshing in the kiddo's bathroom. Walk in there to see water coming up through the drain. Ew. So Monday morning I called maintenance and put in a work order. I also mentioned that my oven would randomly shut itself off when it was cooking and I wouldn't know it until the timer went off. So they came out and fixed the pipes. They said they would be back after lunch to put in a new oven. When they came back I had gone to pick up L1 from school but Dan was home. One of the mx guys said at first he thought I was my sister visiting from out of town or something because I've lost so much weight! Then they gave me a brand spankin' new oven-score!

Last week Dan got a new truck, much needed! We went ahead and bought car seats to put in his truck. Before we didn't take his vehicle anywhere, but now we will be using it some instead of mine all the time. The new seats were delivered today and we installed them. While I was in the back trying to do the tether I looked at Dan and said, "Gosh-I couldn't have done this 100 pounds ago that's for sure!" It was a pretty cramped fit trying to climb on top of them to tighten the anchors then put the tethers in correctly and get them tightened up too.

I'd write more but a certain cranky 2 year old is refusing to vacate my lap making it difficult!

Monday, April 12, 2010

6 month post-op appointment

I'm sitting in my bariatric surgeons office as I write. I just saw my doc and am waiting to see the nut.

He is very happy with my loss so far. He said 100 (actually 103!) in 6 months is amazing and I am doing great. I asked if I was about the track he would have projected and he said I'm doing better than expected and of I didn't lose any more I would still be considered a success by the stats.

I have to get some blood work done. It is fasting and I had some Tylenol and a swig of water this morning so I'm not sure if I can do it now or wait. I'd rather just get it done with--Landon is in school and Logan is in daycare--so this way I wouldn't have to worry about them.

I am happy I had RNY. A few months ago I wasn't (although I'd put on the face that I was). It certainly hasn't been easy like so many people think. Here's to the next 6 months and beyond!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 7, 2010



No, not 101 like English 101 as a freshman.

101 as in 101 pounds lost.

I'm still in a bit of disbelief over it. Did the scale lie to me this morning? Not sure. I was too afraid to get off and back on to check.

I felt like I was stuck at 99 forever. Day after day, the same numbers stared back at me. Then all the sudden it dropped to 100. Then not even 24 hours later it was at 101. Hallelujah!

I looked back at my "before" pic today. The one that the hubs took right before we walked out of the door to the hospital. It wasn't a great pic of me to begin with, but what would you expect from me at 4am!? But it really shows me how far I've come compared to pics taken of me last week.

I'm still struggling about thinking about the future, not the past. I know I've written about it before. Still though, I see my old pics or think of my weight loss as 2 Logan's and 1 Landon and it is about nauseating. I just never saw myself that big. I didn't feel that big.

Crazy thing is now I'm not hiding from the camera or avoiding posting any pics of me on places like Facebook.

I haven't done my measurements yet for my 6 month mark, might just wait until 7 since I'm a little behind already. I have my 6 month post-op with my surgeon on Monday. I'm hoping he is pleased with my results like I am!

Soon I'm going to need to get a replacement rock for my finger. My engagement and wedding rings are just falling off. I don't want to pay to get them re-sized just yet as I'm hoping to continue to lose for a little bit longer. Now they hang up on the hook where my keys go so I slip them on before walking out the door.

It is a bit overwhelming being in "normal" sized clothing. Before only 2 handfuls made clothes in my size of which I'd buy from maybe half a handful. Most of my clothes came from 2 stores. Now I can walk into Macy's and buy just about anything. Almost any store in the mall I can shop at, except the ones where I used to shop at. I recently bought a dress for a ball the hubs and I will be attending in a few weeks. I didn't even know where to begin looking! I'd much rather have this "problem" then that extra 101 back though.

My hair loss has slowed way down, hooray! I'll just say I was thinning it out for the hot summer months. Oh...we're moving to Texas this summer! So I should say hot, hot, hot summer months!

I can't remember if I posted about us moving--we found out the end of February. This means I won't have my 1 year post-op with my surgeon but will have to find a new one who will accept another Dr's patient. Apparently some are hesitant to do so, but I'm hoping since I'm looking for a new one due to a military move they would be more willing.

So that is what has been going on in my corner of the world. About 24 more until my personal goal, here's to that!