Thursday, October 1, 2009

1st trip out and 1st post-op appointment!

Today was a busy day. Well, it doesn't sound busy--but for me it was!

The morning began with a trip to Tar-jay. I haven't been out in civilization for a while! ha! It was fun...then it was just down right frustrating. The main purpose of the trip was not only to get out of the house for a bit, but to get a few new Halloween decorations. The boys picked out a dancing/singing ghost {rather annoying I must insert here}, a few sheets of window clings, and a light up flag for outside. We also managed to come up with a Bumblebee costume (Transformers character) for Landon. I felt fine walking around. It was the most walking I've done since the surgery. As we were leaving the Halloween section, we ran into the aisles and aisles full of candy. Then the other food. The soda. It really was a bit overwhelming for me to be in there. I just looked and felt like I was surrounded by things that I CAN'T have. Well, I can...if I then want to run to the bathroom and feel awful for a while! The aisle full of Coke was so tempting. Just 1 sip. I wanted one so bad. The first time I've craved it and really missed not having it. Even though Dan has drank soda around me, it wasn't my kind, so it didn't bother me. Then all the Halloween candy (and candy in general). Made me miss the days of sitting on the couch with Nina in Cape Cod. We'd have a huge bowl of candy and snack our way through it...while watching The Biggest Loser on TV! It really was tough being in there, and I know grocery shopping will be tough at first too. Heck, it was even as a pre-op. I'd keep thinking of the things I wouldn't be able to have. But now it's a reality. Target has a neat thing that I recently discovered. If the kids are in the cart and buckled when they come through check-out, they will give them a special sticker. Then go to the food part and they can get a free cookie or popcorn! My boys always pick the popcorn though, yay! So we were up there a few minutes and I saw the Pizza Hut personal pizzas, cookies, ICEEs, etc just starting at me. I know I made the right choice to have surgery, and I chose the one I did because I can't cheat, but gosh that trip to Target really made me want to be able to cheat or go back! I know I'll get over that bump though.

We made it home and I tried to take a snooze, but the new ghost in our house made it impossible. At least the boys love to dance to it. Soon it was time to head to Pensacola to Dr Friedman's office. Their scale agreed with mine, down 17 pounds since surgery! Which means I'm down 21 total! I see the numbers, but it almost doesn't seem real. I still feel the same. I think I pretty much look the same. My clothes still fit the same. That loss has happened so fast it almost doesn't seem real. I'm thinking that maybe once I have to size down in clothing it'll begin to sink in--and I can't wait until then!

Dr said everything is looking good. My incisions are healing nicely and quickly, but usually my boo-boos do. I was given permission to lift Logan. They way they put it was it won't hurt anything the Dr did, but it might hurt me! I don't think I'm quite ready to give it a try. I'm still feeling a bit sore on my left side and don't want to pull anything anymore than it already feels like is happening. Mom went with me while Dan stayed at home with the boys. She had several questions and I think she feels a lot better now she talked to them and has some things cleared up. On the way home we stopped at Max Muscle and picked up a few more RTD OhYeah!s.

We also picked up dinner on the way home. Pizza! And yes, I ate it. Did I just hear you all gasp in unison!? Well...part of it I did. I had some of the cheese (ordered x-tra cheese so it was thick) and sausage off the top. Landon helped out and ate 3 slices on his own! And once I thought this surgery was going to lower my grocery bill, looks like he won't be letting that happen!

Now this day is coming to an end and I'm glad. I actually feel worn out whereas the past few days I was wired and couldn't sleep.

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