Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Yay, the laptop has life again! The new hard drive came and it's up and running smoothly.

Tomorrow is my 1 week follow up with Dr Friedman. My scale at home says I'm down 17lbs. Yahoo! I know it'll slow down soon, but it's still amazing to check out the scale drop constantly.

I haven't felt well today though. Apparently it's my nerve endings coming back to life and connecting. Sometimes this lasts a few days, sometimes a few weeks. I'm hoping it's shorter of course!

Really not much to report on tonight, but felt like writing from ole' Betsy. Wait, who am I kidding...the laptop doesn't have a name.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wow, there really is an app for everything

I found a Blogger iPhone app! That means that even though I'm in bed I can still blog. Yes, I know, those of you who know me probably just had to pick up your chin from the floor after learning that at 10pm I'm in bed!

Tonight I went to girls night (and brought my mama along!). I only stayed about an hour before I started feeling crummy and decided it was time to go. It was fun to see the girls again though! Hopefully next week I'll be more up to it. Baby steps :)

That's all for now, I really wanted to test this app!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Ups and Downs

Right now I'm feeling pretty positive about my choice to have this surgery.

The past week though, not always.

There were a few days I regretted it. I hurt, was tired, just didn't feel well. I told the hubs he shouldn't have let me do it.

Now I'm feeling more energetic and all over in a better place. I can get out of bed in the mornings (err, or after a nap lol) without needing someone to help me up. I feel well enough to go in the kitchen and fix myself something to eat. Not that I'm hungry, but know I need to eat.

So many people talk about "buyers remorse" with this surgery. I'm glad I had heard about it ahead of time so I didn't think I was totally off my rocker when those feelings hit me.

Things like sipping, not drinking with meals, counting protein, etc are beginning to be natural. Sure it's still tough at times, I think the hardest is not drinking while eating. I've always been one to drink a lot when I eat.

Right now I'm losing at an awesome rate. I know it won't keep up, but it is fun to see that every time I step on the scale the numbers are lower. Heck over night last night I lost a pound! I think I'm already beginning to see a little change in myself too, in my face. But maybe that's just my imagination lol.

This time last week I was in recovery. Seems like the past week has gone so fast...and so s.l.o.w. at the same time. I'm beginning to feel a little stir crazy being in the house. Tuesday night is typically girl's night and I'm hoping to feel up to going. But Landon also has a soccer game tonight (where Daddy will be the coach!) so that might wipe me out.

There are also the ups and downs when it comes to food. I never realized before how much our society revolves around food. I was looking through TIME magazine the other day and it seemed like every other page had a big picture of food. Most of the ads on TV are for food. Or maybe that's just how it seems to me now. There have been a few times where I thought, "man, that sounds so good, I want some!" Even though I'm not hungry. Which I think it what got me to the point I was at, something sounded/looked good so I ate it--hungry or not. For the most part though food hasn't been a big obstacle, yet. I'm sure as I get to feeling better and more "normal" it'll be though. It's also surprising how many WLS friendly recipes there are out there! Pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving? No problem! It'll be interesting to try all these new things. Also not only for me but as healthier options for my family.

Like I said, right now I feel good about my decision. Just hope this feeling keeps up!

Monday, September 28, 2009

What I recall from the past week

Wow, a week ago tomorrow was my big day. I wish I could have written sooner. In the hospital I tried, but my laptop was kaput. Turns out the hard drive is dead. A new one should be here Wednesday or Thursday. Then I got home and had the logging on issues. *sigh* Guess it just wasn't meant to be. So I'll write about what I remember from the beginning.

My mom got in Monday afternoon. L1 had a soccer game shortly after she got to town. It was a whirl-wind evening and I didn't have much time to go a lot of thinking about the next day, which was a good thing for me. I tend to over analyze and it just never goes anywhere good. That night I packed for the hospital. A few pairs of big t-shirts, comfy pants, and toiletries. Also my laptop, a book, and a movie to watch.

I went to bed fairly easy that night. Dan set his alarm for 4am, we needed to leave shortly before 5. Before I knew it the alarm was going off. I didn't want to get out of bed. Usually when something big is happening as soon as the alarm rings, if not before, I'm out of bed and going 100 miles a minute. I did a few last minute things around the house, got dressed, and went into the boys room to check on them one last time.

Then we were off to the hospital. Everything seems like such a blur looking back on it now. We got there right at 5:30 (when we were supposed to) and were taken to a room. I was put in a giant gown and we hung out for a while. Surfed TV, but not much of anything decent is on at that hour. Here the time seemed to creep forward. Finally right at 6:30 2 nurses came in, and they were in a hurry. Started apologizing to me and saying it wasn't my fault. They said they wanted to get the other Dr's patient prepped first because he's meaner haha. Then they called up pre-op and said they could come get me but I didn't have an IV yet but could have me if they wanted me. They left the room, and dangit I started tearing up. It was a big guy who came to take me to pre-op and he gave me crap about tears already. Before I knew it, it was time to tell Dan goodbye. Then I went into the pre-op area. There were 4 other patients in there (including the 1 of the not nice Dr). I had to answer a lot of questions, they put in my IV, Dr. Friedman came to check on me. We discussed a few things and soon I was being rolled into the OR. I remember going down the hallway and just being hit with the frigid air. Also I was joking around and laughing with everyone in the OR. Didn't want them to think I was some witch when I was about to be in their hands! They then put on the mask and I don't remember anything else.

Dan said someone came to talk to him a few times during surgery and also while I was in recovery. Everything went fine, Dr. F later told me I was an easy text book case.

My first memory is being on a bed rolling down the hall. I wanted to smack the people taking me to wherever it was. All I could think of was when my mom was in the hospital back in 1994 and they had to move her around to a different hospital and she complained they were so rough with her and didn't seem to care. I felt my insides aching as we went over every little bump.

Next thing I know I'm in the room. I remember seeing Dan walk in. I remember seeing a few nurses and people from the Dr's office come in (it's in the hospital and they came up several times to check on me). But for the most part, I was out of it. I know they tried to get me up but then commented I was too out of it and we'd try later.

I believe it was night the first time I actually got out of bed. I had a lot of nausea. Especially every time I'd sit up, it would just slam into me. I only got sick once though. Well, dry-heaving since there wasn't anything in my stomach. They kept me drugged up well. I think the nausea meds also knocked me out more. I did 2 walks that first day/night.

I wanted ice chips so bad. My throat was sore from having a tube down it during surgery. My lips were dry, and I'd forgotten my lip balm on the counter at home. But they said no ice chips. Humph. I was ready for the next morning to come to have my Upper GI. They do that to do there isn't a leak in the pouch. Once you pass, then you can have something to drink.

They came and got me in a wheel chair. Again every.little.bump on the way had me hurting. I had to stand on a board and they tilted it to where I was flat and then back up. I also had to take drinks of this nasty stuff as they watched it go down. I was afraid to take too big of sips, since we're stressed so often the rule is 1oz every 5 min. The 2nd sip they didn't think was going to be enough but turns out it was fine. *phew* I was bumped back to my room and given the ok to start clear liquids again, yay!

Wednesday was still a foggy day. I slept a lot. They took the catheter out, so I had to get up to the bathroom. The bed's bottom would drop and it looked almost like a chair. I just needed Dan's hand to get all the way up. We did more walking that day. Mom and the boys came up for a quick visit, also brought Dan some clean clothes. He hadn't intended on staying but the first night and ended up staying every night. Would have been so much more difficult without him and I'm so glad he was willing and able to stay with me there! I think it was Weds night that they put in a new IV. The first one was in my left hand and came out. The new one was in my right forearm, annoyed me having the tubes go across me, but it worked just fine.

Thursday Dr. F. came in (he came in at least 2 times every day that I was there) and said I could go home or wait another day if I wanted. I really couldn't imagine going home at that point! I was still hurting pretty bad and wasn't sure how the boys would do. So I opted to stay. Eventually they took out my JP drain and that helped the pain some. Dan was shocked at how much tubing they pulled out of me. I couldn't see (well, they told me to turn my head and look away)--but he says it was at least the same amount you could see on the outside, which was a good 2-2.5 feet worth.

The nights were the hardest for me in the hospital. Not sure why, but my pain was worse. There were a few times the nurses weren't always on top of the ball either. I'd ask for my pain meds (after I was off the pump) and it might take them 45 min or an hour to get to me, even with calling more than once and knowing they weren't busy.

Friday came and I knew it was time to go home. I was still feeling like I had been hit by a truck. Dr. F. came by and told me I could stay another day if I wanted that he wasn't going to kick me out, but I said no it was time to go. Next thing I knew we had signed discharge papers and we were ready to go. Well, almost. Remember that bag I packed? I stayed in the hospital gown the entire time. I used my toothbrush/toothpaste and that was about it. I couldn't take a shower while there and felt so gross, I think that was one of my deciding reasons to go on home lol. I put on some clothes, I think I even skipped the bra, and off we went into the sunset happily ever after. Ok, off we went in my car back to lovely Milton.

I was greeted by a huge sign on the garage door welcoming me (and daddy) home. L1 and G had also planted flowers while I was gone and there was a sign on the front door about that. L1 was at school, L2 and G were just heading out when we got home. So I went ahead and showered. I needed it, badly. I was worried how I'd do taking one, so made sure Dan stayed close by in case I needed him. I then got settled in bed and soon L1 was home from school. Oh, they had also made a sign and put it on my bed. I love those boys! The rest of Friday is a little dull. I think I slept for a while and went to bed early. L1 seemed almost scared of me, L2 was just happy Mommy was home but got upset when I wouldn't pick him up. We put a pillow in my lap and let him sit with me which he was content with.

Friday night I was up a few times during the night. I was still doing pain meds every 4hrs (the soonest allowed) and not feeling well.

Saturday was rough. I know Dan and Mom had the best intentions, but it frustrated me when they were making me get up or telling me I needed to drink, take meds, more protein, etc. I still didn't feel well and just wasn't in the mood. I think all people will tell you that with new post-ops there is pretty much no way you'll get in those 60 oz of fluids and 60 grams of protein. But I guess I can't blame them for trying and just wanting the best for me.

Sunday I was beginning to feel a little better. Today (Monday) has gotten a little better from yesterday. I'm still resting a bit, but not as much as I was. I'm doing better at my sip, sip, sipping and walk, walk, walking. I'm amazed at how much just taking a shower drains me of energy.

I'm still in a lot of pain. It's frustrating because so many people told me this would be easy after having 2 c-sections. And since I bounced back from those like a champ, I figured this would be the same. I'm not sure if it was being put under general or what, but I certainly haven't bounced back as fast as I anticipated. Mom was going to go home Sunday, then Tuesday, and now it looks like she's going to stay until Friday (she wants to go to my Dr appt on Thurs with me). I'm so thankful that she was able to come up and stay for so long. She's been such a tremendous help with the boys and I'm not sure how it would have worked without her here! I'm still taking my pain meds somewhat regularly. I might go 5, 6, or 7 hours in between doses now instead of waiting for the clock to hit 4hrs as before. I can't wait until I can sleep on my side again, I'm getting annoyed with sleeping on my back! I can finally get myself out of bed pretty well on my own now instead of sending Dan a text asking for help and having him come back to our room to help me up. I also made myself breakfast this morning. Scrambled egg, a whopping 2 Tablespoons worth! L2 finished what I didn't.

It is weird getting used to these portion sizes. Esp when even the little ones eat so much more than I can. But I'm getting a hang of it. I think I had my first dumping experience yesterday, from some yogurt that was on the "safe" list. It wasn't horrible, but certainly wasn't pleasant either. I also only had 2 tiny spoonfuls so it's not like there was a ton.

I'm pretty wiped out right now so am going to sign off for now. I didn't proof-read this, so don't get your panties bent out of shape if I spelled something wrong or it just doesn't quite make since :) I'll try to post more frequently now that I have a new blog up. It'll be easier to once the new HD for the laptop comes too!

Thank you to everyone for all the support. I got so many flowers, calls, emails, etc it just really means so much to me to have an awesome team behind me.

Oh, and as of this morning...[drum roll please]...I'm down 10lbs since surgery day! Woot woot!


I'm back, sort of.

Basically Google (people who run Blogger) decided to screw me over. I have 2 accounts. one is first.last one is firstlast. The firstlast is the one my Shrinking Machine blog was under. I am no longer able to log in to that account. Even when resetting the PW it resets it for my usual account. I've tried everything, different computers, clearing stuff out, etc to no avail. So I'm throwing up my hands and starting over.

Right now I don't have the energy to copy everything over from the other blog, it'll be there forever though since I can't log in to do anything about it. So there it is if you want to look back at anything.