Thursday, November 19, 2009

Listen closely

Do you hear it?

I did earlier today! The sound of angles singing as the scale beeped and flashed my weight.


The numbers are dwindling again. 2lbs in the last 3 days. It felt so good to see that. I could breathe a sign of relief. Now lets just hope this keeps up.

Stalls are a common part of WLS. I read about the before hand and after. Even though I knew to expect it, it is still hard to accept that it's happening to you. It's hard to grasp how you can burn more calories than you're taking in yet not lose weight. Or at a rate of .2/day. They say this happens because your body goes into starvation mode. I don't get it, but it's not really my field either.

I'm just glad to see the scale moving again. I've read stories about people losing 40lbs and that's it (when they had a lot more to lose). Even though I knew I was doing things right, there's still that nagging thought in the back of your head that this too is going to fail.

For now though, I'm all smiles with what is going on. 4 more lbs until my 1st mini-goal of 50lbs gone forever!

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