Friday, December 25, 2009

3 months post-op and Christmas in the same week!

Today is Christmas. It's been a wonderful day, but I'll get there later.

Monday I had my 3 month post-op Dr appointment, the official 3 month mark being on Tuesday. Dr. F. was very happy with my progress so far and says I'm doing great and even ahead of schedule. Not that there is really a schedule, everyone's body is different in how they lose, but they go off an average baseline for it. I have to bring the monsters. precious children. Really they behaved decently, sometimes it's hard to remember they are only 1 and 3 (for now) so I can't expect them to be perfect.

Today is Christmas, so if you're reading it today--Merry Christmas! We have stayed at home instead of traveling. It was actually a decision we had made when I was still pregnant with L1 that we would do Christmas at home with kids. So there weren't a ton of temptations around this week like there usually are at Christmas gatherings. Sure we baked cookies for Santa. Almost 3 weeks ago now I had a cookie exchange and guess what....we still have cookies left over from that! Although I can eat a few and it doesn't bother me, I just don't have the desire too. L1 & L2 both got 4-wheelers for Christmas. This afternoon L1 tested his out. At one point he wouldn't turn around (in his defense they are super noisy on the sidewalk/road and he couldn't hear me), so I had to run after him. It's the first time in a while I've run more than the length of the house much less a bit of a distance (ok not like super far, but down the street around the corner kind of far). I was surprised that it didn't bother me at all to do it. When it warms up a little I think I'll put the trail around the neighborhood to use for jogging instead of just walking.

In my mind I had set a goal to be down 70 by Christmas. Well when you have 2 little boys anxious to see what Santa has brought, you don't get a chance to step on the scale right away. So I didn't weigh until after breakfast and lunch and was .8 lbs from my goal. So if I haven't made it, I'm pretty close.

That ham smells like it's about done, so I'm off to the kitchen to finish up and enjoy a wonderful Christmas dinner with my 2 little ones and the hubs.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats - I'm so proud of you! We'll be running 5Ks together in no time ;)
